
Friday, July 3, 2015

Agent Needed for Pulitzer Prize Nominated Author Joe Holt

Author Joe Holt

Date: July 3rd 2015

Name: Joe Holt


Phone: 1-808-895-2533

Occupation: Author / Speaker

Request: Agent Needed for Pulitzer Prize Nominated Author Joe Holt

Joe Holt (aka Aloha Joe) was born in Santa Barbara, California in 1978. After living in orphanages, foster homes, adoptive homes, and a forced child labor camp, he signed to join the United States Marine Corps on his 17th birthday. After two enlistments in the Marines as an Aviation Electrical Engineer, he had attained the rank of Sergeant, had served two tours overseas, and had earned a National Defense Medal.

A combination of military and off-duty injuries led to his medical retirement at the age of 23. After two failed marriages, multiple near death experiences, learning to walk and talk properly again after being the victim of a hit and run, and VA medicine almost killing me, I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii to go on a walk about. I wrote about my daily thoughts and adventures while living in the tropical rain forest of Hawaii simply for the cathartic value of it. I realized after a year of writing that I had something that I wanted to share with my two sons. I didn't want to just hand them hand written notes, so I went about the task of self publishing a book. That process alone took me a year. During that time I self published my first book in 2013 entitled "Aloha Joe in Hawaii - A Guided Journey of Self Discovery and Hawaiian Adventure." It was published in kindle, epub, paperback, and I even hired a voice actor to do the audio book for iTunes. The paperback is a "Coffee Table Book" with 20 color photos of the Big Island included that I took during my first year there.

At my first author appearance and book signing on the Big Island, I was told that I was the first author to sell out at one of the stores events. I was also told that I had "It" and I have an ability to grab an audience and hold them spellbound. I was also approached by an editor and publisher Renee Robinson from "A Wealth of Wisdom, LLC." She asked if I was writing more and if she could publish it. I had been writing more and we set up a business relationship.

I had written what I thought was one book (in three days of an epic writing torrent) and sent it to her. Her and several proof readers all agreed that I had written two separate books, and the chapters were separated. You see, after having to heavily edit my first book due to it being made for my two young sons, I knew I needed to write another book that was a little more "Tell All." That gave rise to my second book "Stories I Can't Tell My Kids Yet." That book was published in 2014 and includes chapters like "Bacon Saved My Life" and "Craig's List, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Dating, and Why That's a Bad Combination."

The remaining chapters that I had written, plus a few that I wrote a few months later, became "Your Brain is the Key to the Universe: A Comprehensive Guide to Manifesting Your Ideal Reality and World Harmony." This book was just published two months ago and is now officially under consideration for a 2016 Pulitzer Prize in the General Non-Fiction category. Results will be available April 2016. The amazing thing about this book is that it is an "image of timely interest." Of the many things that I cover, gay marriage is one of them and the Supreme Court just legalized it for the entire United States.
The quote on the cover of this book is from an M.D. that I admire very much named Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, who also happens to have published somewhere around ten books of his own. I first met him when I attended a five hour physics lecture at his "Pyramid House" in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii that was given by a 50 year physics researcher named Dr. Rauscher. I was in the process of editing and publishing this book at that time and he offered to read the book and give me some tips. After reading the book he said that he didn't really have any tips, but that he had a quote for the book. I put his quote on the cover because I thought it was amazing. "This book is an exploration of the unknowable cosmos, using the mind as a spaceship."

Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2015

The back cover photo of this book is me standing in front of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Mauna Kea is currently at the epicenter of an indigenous peoples debate. There are many countries coming together to build the largest telescope in the world, all while disregarding the native peoples and their culture. I recently wrote a response to a U.C. Santa Cruz Professor's remarks regarding the Hawaiians trying to protect their sacred holy places, of which Mauna Kea is one of the most sacred temples on any Hawaiian Island.

{I am going to try and have a sit down meeting with Michael Bolte. As someone that is from California, who just spent the last 2 1/2 years living on the Big Island of Hawaii learning about Pono Aini, I can say that this Professor needs a history lesson.
"Look, we made a lot of adjustments in how we do business there," Michael Bolte, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California at Santa Cruz and one of the main U.S. organizers for the TMT, told BuzzFeed in April. "But there are zero legal barriers here. Someone standing in front of your bulldozer is not a legal issue."
Are you out of your mind Prof. Bolte? You call an illegal overthrow of the Native Hawaiian Kingdom in 1898 "Not a Legal Issue?" Marines were brought to the Islands to annex the Hawaii Kingdom into the United States. This was done against the Hawaiians will and was perpetrated by rich plantation owners. President Bill Clinton was the first President to publicly admit this mistake, which then proved that the U.S. Gov. is aware of its illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Islands.

Not only is the U.S. military illegally occupying the Hawaiian Islands, they have also tricked Native Hawaiians into joining the illegal "Hawaii State Police" presence and have now forced these Uncles and Aunties into positions where they are the ones arresting their own Ohana on Mauna Kea. How cruel of an injustice this is to perpetrate on a people! I am learning now that it is the Department of Land and Natural Resources that is making the arrests, but the point is the same.

Now, many nations have come together to build another telescope on Mauna Kea, one of the most sacred sights on the entire Big Island of Hawaii. And this Professor from over 2,500 miles away can't understand how Native Hawaiians, on Hawaiian soil, protecting a sacred site with their own bodies against his bulldozers, could be a legal issue. If I was the Dean at the University of California at Santa Cruz, I would seriously consider terminating this mans employment due to his encouraging human rights violations, terroristic threatening, and acts of war against another country.
Is it important to build telescopes? I would say yes. Is it important to advance our understanding of our universe? Again, I would say yes. Is it worth advancing technology and science to understand what is "out there" while completely disregarding an entire country and native peoples? Emphatically, No! Aole. Now. And pack your things and beg forgiveness as you move off Mauna Kea. Kiss every rock on the way down begging forgiveness from the Aina and the Goddess Madame Pele. If you are lucky and can make it to Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau, they might let you live. Even our World Court at the United Nations frowns on Human Rights Violations though.}


I am currently writing my Godfather's Anthony Frank Lucido's Biography here in Monterey, California. He went to school with my Grandfather in the 1950s in Monterey. My grandfather went off to Vietnam and my Godfather started working on Fisherman's Wharf. He has been on the wharf now for almost 60 years straight.

I have spent the last three months with him and his parents conducting video interviews and publishing them on YouTube under the working title "The Godfather of Fisherman's Wharf." His parent's are 92 and 94 and have been married 72 years. His father was Army Air Corps during WW2. The stories from the three of them are amazing and endless. I am currently in the writing phase as the interviews have been completed. I have plans to create a documentary as well for this project which includes filming on Cannery Row, Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, and then a trip to Sicily to visit all of his family there. I am currently seeking funding to start the film. I am also going to need an editor and publishing house for this book.

I have a fifth book in the works that is an epic novel about my own mis-adventures.

I was published in the Ke-Ola Magazine on the Big Island of Hawaii as a "Featured Author" June-July 2013 for "Aloha Joe in Hawaii."

I have had two author appearances at "Kona Stories Book Store" in Kailua-Kona Hawaii.

I have an author appearance pending at "Luminata Books" in Monterey, California.
I am also starting a wholeness retreat in Ventura, Ca. in October 2015 as a Life Coach and "Renewal of Self" expert with "Second Wind Day Spa."

I have multiple websites, blogs, ect. online to promote myself.

I also have two Facebook pages, Twitter, About Me, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, Amazon Author Pages, Goodreads, Shelfari, iTunes Audio Book, and more. I am constantly searching for new ways to reach an ever expanding global market. I currently have buisness agreements with Amazon in thirteen different world currencies.




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